Attendance of National Endocrine Conferences

  • Educational Purpose: to become updated about breakthrough, discoveries, new development, and novel therapeutics; to motivate fellows to pursue an academic investigative career in endocrinology; and to have a venue to publish their observation and research project.
  • Teaching Method: Fellows will have the chance to attend the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society plus a second national conference of their choice. The lectures and workshops are organized by the societies: Endocrine Society, Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American Diabetes Association, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, American Thyroid Association, etc.
  • Disease Mix: Covers all endocrine glands and hormones
  • Procedures and Services: N/A
  • Evaluation: The attendees evaluate their experiences and discuss what is learned in one of the Core Curriculum Conferences following the national meeting.
  • Frequency: Yearly.


  1. Fellows are expected to attend the Annual Endocrine Society Meeting. They are encouraged to submit abstracts. The Endocrine Society Meeting has a wide range of activities and programs that include clinical practice, clinical research and basic science. There are both initial reports as well as plenary sessions giving updates and summary. The Program shall organize an annual reunion at the Endocrine Meeting for faculty and fellows attending the meeting.
  2. Fellows are encouraged to attend a second national meeting of their choice in addition to the Endocrine Society meeting. They are encouraged to develop interest in any one single aspect of endocrinology, and seek an in-depth knowledge by attending specialized national conferences such as for diabetes, bone and mineral research, thyroid, and neuroendocrine (ADA, ASBMR, ATA, Pituitary, Neuro-endocrinology and Neuroscience).
  3. The 2nd year fellows may attend ONE board review course / clinical skill-building workshop organized by the Endocrine Society (Clinical Endocrinology Update), AACE (Endocrine University), Harvard Medical School, Yale, etc. Any one fellow may select the program of his/her choice. The Program Director shall be consulted. The titles of lectures / speakers should be kept on file.
  4. The Chief Fellow shall make sure that, at time of National Conferences, at least one fellow with few residents are available on site to take care of patients. In case that all fellows want to go then those with accepted abstracts will be given first priority, and if the issue is not decided among the fellows, then the Program Director shall make the decision.
  5. Funding for attendance of national conferences shall come from the educational allocation and travel grants. Fellows are encouraged to submit travel award requests to attend the meeting of their interest. In case of shortage of funds fellows may attend the Endocrine Society meeting only.